Diana Barrowclough is a Senior Economist in the United Nations Conference for Trade and Development, Division on Globalization and Development Strategies. Before joining the UN, she lectured economics at the University of Cambridge, where she was a Fellow of St John’s College. She was educated at the University of Cambridge (PhD Economics) and the University of Auckland (MA Economics and Political Science). Her research interests focus on the interface between public and private sectors and the role of multilateral policy measures to help address global problems. Currently she is a contributing author to the UN Trade and Development Report, the manager of a two-year multi-country Development Account project ‘Strengthening progrowth macroeconomic management capacities for enhanced regional financial and monetary cooperation…’ and GDS focal point for presentations and trainings.
Diana Barrowclough

Featuring this expert
Still Swimming Against the Tide? 40 Years of Thinking on Trade and Development

The 4th UNCTAD YSI Summer School celebrates the approach and legacy of UNCTAD’s annual Trade and Development Report (TDR). The school will bring together UNCTAD experts, academics, diplomats, and young scholars from across the globe for lively and stimulating intellectual debates.