Inequality & Distribution
2nd Edition of Inclusive Development Conference: Housing and Urban Land Management in an Unequal World
ConferenceMar 5–7, 2025
The conference aims to examine the complex interplay of housing, law, economics, and spatial justice in an unequal world, and we welcome scholars and practitioners to participate.
Understanding and Addressing Emerging Inequalities in the 21st Century in South Asia
ConferenceINET-YSI South Asia Regional Conference on Social Change
Feb 24–26, 2025
As the world grapples with rapid technological advancements, demographic shifts, environmental challenges, and governance transformations, new forms of inequality are emerging.
Beyond Industrialism: Building Communities That Work for People
Jan 30, 2025
Fred Block, Research Professor of Sociology at UC Davis, joins Rob Johnson to discuss his latest book, The Habitation Society, which explores the need to move beyond industrial-era economic models to create an economy that prioritizes community well-being. Block critiques how economic policies have fueled inequality and stagnation while offering solutions—such as restructuring public finance—to foster prosperity for all.
The Other Dangerous Supremacy: Wealth Supremacy
Oct 21, 2024
Author and Distinguished Senior Fellow of the Democracy Collaborative, Marjorie Kelly, talks about her recently released book, Wealth Supremacy: How the Extractive Economy and the Biased Rules of Capitalism Drive Today’s Crises (Berrett-Kohler, September 2023), which also outlines a vision for democratizing the economy so that it serves the broader public good.
Can Baby Bonds Fight the Wealth Gap and Racial Inequality? Connecticut Aims to Find Out.
Feb 27, 2024
Connecticut is the first state to fund and enact a baby bonds program, inspiring more states to create their own plans. Can it make a difference?
What’s the Fate of Social Security in a Brutally Unequal America?
Feb 1, 2024
White House contenders ignore root causes threatening the program, potentially worsened by cuts. Is it due to reliance on wealthy donors?
Occupation, Gender, and Labor Market Volatility
Jan 16, 2024
When working within the same employment spell, female workers, particularly those of color and those working in low-wage service and care jobs, earn significantly less when facing greater volatility than their male counterparts or those working in non-service, non-care occupations.
Finally, an Economist Takes on the Topic of Power
Jan 16, 2024
Alessandro Roncaglia has mulled the topic of power over his long and distinguished career – a topic most economists avoid. His new book explores the historical dynamics of power and asks how we can change its distribution today.
Working Paper
Labor Market Volatility and Worker Financial Wellbeing: An Occupational and Gender Perspective
Jan 2024
Research on labor market experience does not explain the link between the volatility low-wage workers encounter and their earnings and it leaves open numerous pressing questions, such as what, if anything, can be done to reduce racial and ethnic differences in economic well-being.
American Household Debt: A Reappraisal
Jan 2, 2024
Which households are more exposed to financial risk and to what extent is their debt systemically relevant?
Working Paper
Mapping Fragility – Functions of Wealth and Social Classes in US Household Finance
Jan 2024
Examining the crucial role of poverty and inequality in shaping household indebtedness.
After Poland’s Elections: Democracy and Keynesianism?
Oct 16, 2023
In accepting mass unemployment, post-communist governments and the democratic parties that constituted them removed the economic foundation for Poland’s democracy.
Why is America So Anti-City? It Holds Back the Entire Country.
Mar 20, 2023
A new book by economist Richard McGahey examines the country’s anti-urban structure and ideology, offering insights on how American cities can thrive.
Survival of the Richest
Feb 16, 2023
Oxfam’s Economic Justice Director, Nabil Ahmed, and Oxfam International’s Inequality Policy & Advocacy Lead, Max Lawson, discuss their latest Global Inequality Report, which highlights the accelerating pace at which the world’s billionaires have increased their wealth exponentially in recent years. They also discuss the ways in which governments can reverse this trend through taxation.
Global Value Chains and Income Distribution Profiles: A World Survey
Feb 6, 2023
How can we quantify the wage share implied by varying degrees and types of participation to Global Value Chains?