Fred Block

By this expert
To Reform Capitalism, Look to Marx

200 years after Marx’s birth, many elites have taken unabashed pride in capitalism, a term that originally had negative connotations. To make our economy more just, we must reclaim Marx’s understanding of capitalism’s contradictions.
Learning from Karl Polanyi
The old political-economic thinking of Karl Polanyi was never properly absorbed into “mainstream” North Atlantic economics: recognizing that land, labor, and finance are not really “commodities” returns institutions and social processes to the center of economic analysis.
You Didn’t Build That: The Entrepreneurial State
A review of The Entrepreneurial State: Debunking Public vs. Private Sector Myths, the new book by Mariana Mazzucato
Featuring this expert
We Can—And Must—Reform Capitalism

Fred Block says capitalism is not an unchanging monolith—which means we can make it better
The Tenacity of the Free Market Ideology

Fred Block discusses his book, “The Power of Market Fundamentalism”.