Justice G. Raghuram was born in 1951, graduated in Science from Andhra University and in Law from the Osmania University, enrolled as an Advocate in 1979. He served as a judge of the Andhra Pradesh High court for 14 years; on retirement in 2013 he was head the CESTAT for 3 years; and eventually retired in March this year, after heading the NJA since 2016.
Goda Raghuram

Featuring this expert
Law, Economics & Policy Conference (LEPC) 4.2 - Justice Delivery: New Frontiers 6:00pm-7:45pm (IST) | 8:30am-10:15am (EDT) | 1:30pm-3:15pm (BST)

The 4th Law, Economics & Policy Conference (LEPC) is a virtual, multi-capsule conference series that aims to bring together legal, economic and public policy thinkers to consider a variety of real world issues in India in a holistic manner.