Arie Krampf is a researcher at the “The Transformative Power of Europe”, Otto-Suhr-Institute for Political Science, The Freie Universität. Arie completed his Ph.D. at the Cohen Institute for the History of Science at Tel Aviv University and his dissertation was awarded the Adler Translation Dissertation Award (New York University). His research interests lie in the areas of International Political Economy, Comparative Political Economy and History of Economic Thought. Krampf is particularity interested in the political economy of central banking, the formation of international monetary regimes and regional integration. Recently Arie has been working on the consolidation of the Anglo-Saxon/European consensus on price stability in the 1990s and on the implication of the ECB’s non-standard practices on the institutional design of the EMU. Arie is also a convener of a project on the topic of “Financial Crises in comparative regional perspective”. Recently he has been published several papers on the formative years of the Bank of Israel, as a case study of central banks in developing countries. Krampf’s manuscript, “The Origins of Israel’s Market-Nationalism” is forthcoming at the Hebrew University Magness Press.
Arie Krampf