Garry J. Schinasi is an Independent Advisor on global financial issues and policies and a Visiting Fellow at Bruegel (the Brussels based economic-policy think tank). After receiving his PhD in Economics from Columbia University, Mr. Schinasi worked for a decade (1979-89) at the U.S. Federal Reserve Board in Washington DC and more than two decades at the International Monetary Fund (1989 – 2010) – where he most recently co-managed the IMF’s global capital markets surveillance and the IMF’s related publications, International Capital Markets-Key Developments, Issues and Prospects and later the Global Financial Stability Report. While on sabbatical from the IMF, Mr. Schinasi was a visiting policy advisor (2008-09) in the European Commission’s Bureau of European Policy Advisors – advising President Barroso on the global financial crisis and European financial issues—and a visiting scholar and advisor (2003-4 and 2006-7) on financial-stability issues at the European Central Bank. Despite his retirement from the IMF in June 2010, Mr. Schinasi has continued to work with the IMF as an independent Technical Assistance Expert/Advisor on financial stability issues. Mr. Schinasi has published articles in The Review of Economic Studies, Journal of Economic Theory, Journal of International Money and Finance, and other academic and policy journals. His book titled Safeguarding Financial Stability: Theory and Practice was published by the IMF in 2006.
Garry Schinasi