Jiahua Pan is currently director-general, Institute for Urban & Environmental Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), and professor of economics at CASS Graduate School. Received his PhD at Cambridge University in 1992. Areas of interest include economics of sustainable development, energy and climate policy, world economy and environmental and natural resource economics. Worked for the UNDP Beijing Office as an advisor on environment and development; Lead author of the IPCC Working Group III 3rd and 4th Assessment Report on Mitigation; Member of China National Expert Panel on Climate Change; Member of National Foreign Policy Advisory Group; Advisor to the Ministry of Environment Protection. Vice president of the Chinese Society of Ecological Economists, vice president of Chinese Energy Association. Co-editor of Climate Change 2007: mitigation published by Cambridge University Press and author of over 300 papers, articles and books in both English and Chinese.
Jiahua Pan