Rohini Somanathan is Professor of Economics at the Delhi School of Economics. Her research interests lie at the intersection of Development Economics, Public Economics and Political Economy. A major strand in her research explores mechanisms through which public institutions and community behavior influence patterns of mobility and group inequality. This includes work on the politics of caste identities in India, racial segregation in the United States, and links between poverty and the politics of environmental change. She has also worked on understanding the role of groups in microfinance and on the wage and productivity effects of economic liberalization in India.
Rohini Somanathan
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Azim Premji Winter School 2013

The Azim Premji University-Institute for Economic Thinking Advanced Graduate Workshop in Poverty, Development and Globalization is interested in identifying the complex global interactions that influence poverty and development as well as the development strategies that have proven successful in promoting equitable growth, promoting capabilities, and reducing poverty.