Yide Qiao is Vice Chairman & Secretary General of Shanghai Development Research Foundation (SDRF) which is a non-profit institution with purpose of promoting research on the issues of development. He is also the president of Excellence® Academy of Development Research (EADR). Mr.Qiao was enrolled into Kennedy School of Government at Harvard in 1985. After graduation, he entered Harvard Institute for International Development and did research work. In 1995, he returned China as Chief Representative and Managing Director of New York Life until May, 2003. Prior to study in the states, Yide Qiao conducted a research at Institute of World Economy, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences as its Assistant Director.
He is a main author of following books or research reports:
“Chinese Economy: The Next 30 Years” August, 2011 Shanghai People Publish House
“The Reform of the International Monetary System: Past, Present and Future” May, 2014 Shanghai Far East Publishers
Yide Qiao

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