Webinars and Events
Piketty: Quality of Life for Billions of People is at Stake
WebinarThomas Piketty discusses his new book: A Brief History of Equality
Jun 13, 2022
Can society continue its long-run trajectory and commit to institutional, legal, social, fiscal, and educational systems that can advance equality?
Why What’s Going on Right Now at the WTO Matters
Jun 10, 2022
Besides the crucial COVID-19 vaccine patent waiver, far more is at stake at this ministerial than is generally known.
Inflation in a Time of Corona and War
Jun 6, 2022
Evidence-based answers to the main (policy) questions concerning the return of high inflation
Working Paper
Working PaperInflation in the Time of Corona and War
Jun 2022
Are there alternative, less socially costly, ways to bring inflation down?
Peace is the Result of Diplomacy, Never of War
Jun 6, 2022
Columbia University’s renowned economist Jeffrey Sachs talks about the lessons he has learned from consulting with governments around the world, about how global problems, such as the war in Ukraine, will only be solved via efforts to understand the other side, never through force.
The Libertarian Anti-Apartheid White Supremacy of W.H. Hutt
Jun 2, 2022
James M. Buchanan’s defenders argue he was not racist because of his ties with the anti-apartheid economist W.H. Hutt, but this defense fails miserably
Working Paper
Working PaperSetting the Record Straight on the Libertarian South African Economist W. H. Hutt and James M. Buchanan
Jun 2022
Despite his opposition to South Africa’s apartheid, Hutt embraced notions of black inferiority
Axel Leijunhufvud, Wide-Ranging Economist
Jun 1, 2022
An obituary for Axel Leijunhufvud (Sept 6, 1933 - May 5, 2022)
The Search for the Soul of Business
Jun 1, 2022
Corporate responsibility needs to evolve if businesses are going to rebuild trust and provide real value for society.
Giant Tech Firms Plan to Read Your Mind and Control Your Emotions. Can They Be Stopped?
May 31, 2022
Author and law professor Maurice Stucke explains why the practices of Google, Amazon, Facebook, and Apple are so dangerous and what’s really required to rein them in. Hint: Current proposals are unlikely to work.
Your Money and Your Life: Private Equity Blasts Ethical Boundaries of American Medicine
May 18, 2022
In a harrowing new book, scholar Laura Katz Olson pulls back the curtain on a shadowy Wall Street threat that is taking over health care companies – and preying on human lives.
How to Unf★ck America
May 18, 2022
Over the last four decades, the US economy has done quite well for the top 1%, but it has been stagnant for most Americans. This was not an accident, nor the natural workings of the market and certainly not an inevitability. US policies have been deliberately structured since 1980 to redistribute income upwards. In other words, the system has been rigged.
May 18, 2022
Climate change is already here, and we are on a path towards catastrophic global warming. Governments have failed to curb carbon emissions, and fossil fuel production continues to increase. This is not merely a political failure; it is also a failure of economic analysis.
Moritz Schularick in The Economist
May 13, 2022
INET Fellow Moritz Schularick writes in The Economist that Germany should immediately cut off Russain gas
The Dollar System in a Multi-Polar World
May 5, 2022
The multipolar financial world is here. The United States can survive it – but only with major political and economic changes at home. It’s time to start thinking about what those need to be.