To foster new economic thinking, we host convenings that gather together a diverse community of thinkers from different fields, countries, and schools of thought.
INET Webinars & Events
YSI @ the 45th Eastern Economics Association Conference
WorkshopThe Keynesian Economics and Complexity Economics Working Groups announce two special sessions, to be held at the annual conference of the EEA in New York.
YSI North America Convening
Regional ConveningOn February 22-24, 2019, the Young Scholars Initiative (YSI) will host its North America Convening in Los Angeles.
2019 Annual ASEER (GSÖBW) Conference
ConferenceCrossing Borders, Embracing Pluralism: Perspectives on Teaching Socio-Economics and Pluralism in Economics
What is the relationship between pluralist economics and interdisciplinary socio-economics? How does pluralist academic teaching need to be structured in economics or business administration in order to be successful? What should interdisciplinary socio-economic study programs look like, and how should teacher training in the field be designed? What kinds of new study materials, textbooks, and teaching methods are required?
YSI Info Session & Panel Discussion:
Political Economy and New Economic Thinking
DiscussionLearn about the Young Scholars Initiative (YSI) at the Institute for New Economic Thinking, and join a panel discussion on Political Economy and New Economic Thinking with Thomas Ferguson, Perry Mehrling, and Katharina Pistor.
Artha Vivaad: Innovation Economy and the State
DiscussionA panel discussion on the importance of the role of the state alongside private enterprise to encourage innovative entrepreneurship, productivity and economic growth in an “Innovation Economy.”
Summer School on Computational Methods and Agent Based Modelling in Economics
WorkshopThe YSI Complexity Economics Working Group is delighted to invite all Young Scholars interested in Agent Based Modeling to apply for the Summer School on Computational Methods and Agent Based Modeling (Curitiba Summer School)
YSI @ Energy Innovation Academy
ConferenceThe FSR Energy Innovation Area and the Complexity Economics Working Group of the Young Scholars Initiative (YSI) have the pleasure to invite you to participate in the 1st Energy Innovation Academy.
3rd Law Economics Policy Conference, 2018
ConferenceOrganized by the National Institute of Public Finance and Policy (NIPFP), New Delhi in collaboration with the Institute of New Economic Thinking, New York, the aim of the Law Economics Policy Conference series is to bring together legal, economic, and public policy thinkers to consider a variety of real world issues in India in a holistic manner.
Inclusive or Exclusive Global Development?
Scrutinizing Financial Inclusion
WorkshopMicrofinance and then financial inclusion have become buzzwords in international development. Such initiatives have mobilised and generated large amounts of development funding, despite substantial amount of critique. Such critiques call for a more impartial assessment of the effectiveness of financial inclusion on the grounds that funds for microfinance, they argue, displaced development spendings on healthcare, education or infrastructure. In addition, the focus on expansion of financial markets to ‘bank’ and financially ‘include’ the poor may divert attention from more comprehensive and effective poverty reduction strategies. Critiques of this ‘way of doing development’ are often sidelined and labelled as ‘extreme’, ‘sloppy’ or ideology-driven rather than evidence-based. We believe that there is a need for contemporary development scholars from all disciplines to engage in those debates. This half-day workshop would bring in such scholars to discuss what we have learned from a decade of research on the microfinance, and how financial inclusion and the emergence of fintech may offer new opportunities - as well as risks - in for inclusive global development.
LALICS-YSI INET Academy 2018
WorkshopOur focus is on teaching and discussing theoretical and empirical methods related to the innovation processes in Latin America and the Caribbean and how these are linked to the economic development of the region. The Academy offers the opportunity to connect students to a research community integrated by high profile researchers.