To foster new economic thinking, we host convenings that gather together a diverse community of thinkers from different fields, countries, and schools of thought.
INET Webinars & Events
Shadow Banking and Alternative Finance in China
WorkshopThe recent growth in the scale and different forms of shadow banking and alternative finance mechanisms in China poses many questions of understanding, from its sustainability; different forms of credit growth; to the role of local government financing, and; the tensions between financial reform policy and practice.
Future of Work Industry 4.0 and the Pursuit of Social Innovation
ConferenceDoes the technology revolution require a new social policy?
Oil, Middle East, and the Global Economy
ConferenceFeaturing sessions on Oil Shock and the Global Economy, Sovereign Wealth Funds, and the Political Economy of Oil.
New Economic Thinkers Transforming Our World
DiscussionMakers and Takers in the Political Season | A conversation with Rana Foroohar
The Institute for New Economic Thinking hosts an exclusive luncheon and conversation with Lynn Parramore, Senior Research Analyst at the Institute and Reuters columnist, and Rana Foroohar, TIME Assistant Managing Editor and Economic Columnist, and Global Economic Correspondent at CNN.
The Institute at ASSA
DiscussionJoin us for a reception at the ASSA conference in San Francisco
Understanding Inequality and What to Do About It
Hosted by Human Capital and Economic Opportunity
A panel featuring Thomas Piketty, Kevin Murphy, and Steven Durlauf
Between Debt & the Devil
DiscussionWith Adair Turner and Martin Wolf
Adair Turner talks about his new book, Between Debt & the Devil: Money, Credit, and Fixing Global Finance with Martin Wolf of the Financial Times in a free, public discussion.
Finance & Society
ConferenceSenator Elizabeth Warren, Federal Reserve Chairman Janet Yellen, and IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde joined a renowned group of globally influential women in discussing how the financial system can be re-imagined to truly benefit society.
Liberté, Égalité, Fragilité
PlenaryThe Institute for New Economic Thinking held its sixth Annual Conference from April 8 to April 11, 2015, in collaboration with the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in Paris.
Azim Premji Summer School 2014
WorkshopIndia has for the last twenty years been undergoing a rapid and abiding structural shift in its pattern of development. The transformation of the economy from the period of the license raj to the post liberalization era has wrought many changes, with somewhat ambiguous implications.