Articles and analyses from the INET community on the key economic questions of our time.

Trump, Tariffs, and Exchange Rates: The Message of Elections in the US and Japan
What Japan, the US, and Europe have in common is growing popular anger over the economy despite high stock prices and low unemployment.

The Deutschmark’s Real Father? A Jewish American Written Out of History.
In a fresh release from INET’s book series with Cambridge University Press, renowned German economic historian Carl-Ludwig Holtfrerich uncovers the startling truth behind German currency reform usually hailed as the foundation of the post-war German economic miracle: Ludwig Erhard, who cooperated with the Nazis, unjustly claimed the spotlight, overshadowing the real architect, Edward Tenenbaum.

The Fed and the “Soft Landing” - Policy or Luck?
The biggest factor in accounting for the strength in the economy is the continuing importance of the wealth effect in sustaining consumption by the affluent.