Podcast: Economics & Beyond


New Ground Rules for Digital Markets

Jun 10, 2021

FT columnist and associate editor Rana Foroohar discusses how the disruptions and excessive complexity of digital markets are benefitting the powerful and why we need clear new values and ground rules for these markets as we enter the post-pandemic landscape.


Music, its Commercialization, and Politics

May 6, 2021

Activist and poet John Sinclair and Rob Johnson discuss the early days of the counterculture, Sinclair’s role in MC5, and the transformation of music from art to commodity when the music industry’s commercial power blossomed in the early 1970s.


The New Climate War

Apr 22, 2021

Climate scientist Michael Mann discusses his new book, The New Climate War, in which he outlines the many ways in which powerful interests deflect, divide, and delay, to prevent real action that would avert the climate crisis


The Future of Economics

Mar 25, 2021


The Master Algorithm

Mar 22, 2021