Podcast: Economics & Beyond

What Can Sanders Do as Budget Chair?
As Chair of the Senate Budget Committee, Bernie Sanders can force votes on Medicare for All and cuts to the military budget. He will face opposition from the GOP and within the Democratic Party. Rob Johnson was a Senior Economist for the Budget Committee and Chief Economist for the Senate Banking Committee. He joins Paul Jay on theAnalysis.news podcast.

Jayati Ghosh: Rescue Packages for Wealthy Corporations, not for Developing Countries
UMass Amherst Economics professor Jayati Ghosh talks about the massive unjustness of the so-called pandemic economic rescue packages, which continue to favor the world’s wealthiest while ignoring the dramatic plight of the developing world.

Rise Up and Stop the Doomsday Machine!
In the final part of his conversation with Rob Johnson, Daniel Ellsberg talks about his hopes for this generation and why he wrote The Doomsday Machine. Part 3 of 3