Dave serves as a Senior Statistician to lead the quantitative team at the BHHI. Dave has worked in the field of policy analysis for the last 14 years, primarily focusing on issues of labor standards, such as raising regional minimum wages, and expanding health care affordability and access in California. Most recently, he worked as a statistician for the UC Berkeley Labor Center where he provided the quantitative results for dozens of studies to inform legislative debates. In his first week at the Labor Center, he provided the analysis which led to requirements for San Francisco businesses to provide basic contributions towards employee health care (that’s the SF Health Care Securities Ordinance for all the health policy wonks out there). Other highlights include providing financial numbers that were key to the campaign to raise New York State’s minimum wage to $15/hr and to California’s expansion of Medi-Cal to undocumented children. He has also worked as a union organizer, canvasser for an anti-war organization, and has volunteered for and collaborated with numerous social justice campaigns and organizations. Dave has a doctorate in Statistics from UC Berkeley. His studies were split between machine learning methods (i.e., “Data Science”) and drawing causal conclusions from studies with human subjects, with all the complications that make those studies differ from randomized control trials. He’s excited to apply these skills to the intersection of health, homelessness, and housing policy at BHHI.
Dave Graham-Squire
By this expert
Monopsony in Professional Labor Markets: Hospital System Concentration and Nurse Wage Growth

Growing consolidation in localized hospital markets appears to restrict nurse wage growth
Monopsony in Professional Labor Markets: Hospital System Concentration and Nurse Wages
Increased hospital system consolidation in small Metropolitan Statistical Areas is adversely related to nurse wage growth.