Lasse Folke Henriksen is Assistant Professor at the Department of Business and Politics, Copenhagen Business School where he teaches economic sociology, international political economy and new fancy research methods. As a trained sociologist he has mainly worked on the role of experts and professions in new and hybrid forms of transnational economic and environmental governance but he is also more broadly interested in how the global economy is governed. In his research he frequently deploys social network analytic tools which he finds produces not only pretty pictures but also deep insights about how social structure works. Lasse has published and has work forthcoming in journals such as Organization; Environmental Politics; Regulation & Governance; International Political Sociology; and Comparative Studies in Society and History, he is currently editing a volume on professional networks in transnational governance and is also working hard on finishing a textbook for students interested in learning about the art of social network analysis.
Lasse Folk Henriksen

By this expert
Fathers of Neoliberalism
The Academic and Professional Performance of the Chicago School, 1960-1985