Arturo Chang is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Toronto. His primary research centers on studies of Black and Indigenous movements in the Americas with a focus on postcolonial, decolonial, and comparative political theory. In American Politics, his interests are in studies of public opinion, political language, and methods in open-ended data analysis. His work has appeared in the American Journal of Political Science, International Journal of Political Economy, Contemporary Political Theory, the Washington Post, and Foreign Policy.
Arturo Chang

By this expert
Public Opinion on U.S. Trade Policy: Time to Ask Better Questions

Open-ended polling responses reveal considerably more complexity – and more ambivalence and negativity – in Americans’ views of international trade than has been inferred from widely cited closed questions
Ambivalence About International Trade in Open- and Closed-ended Survey Responses
Open-ended polling responses reveal considerably more complexity – and more ambivalence and negativity – in Americans’ views of international trade than has been inferred from widely cited closed questions
Economic Distress Did Drive Trump’s Win

Contrary to the dominant media narrative, social issues like racism and sexism on their own can’t explain Trump’s success.
The Economic and Social Roots of Populist Rebellion: Support for Donald Trump in 2016
This paper critically analyzes voting patterns in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.
Featuring this expert
The Intercept: Donald Trump Exploited Long-Term Economic Distress to Fuel His Election Victory, Study Finds
The Intercept covers a new INET paper from our Research Director Tom Ferguson and his co-authors.