Professor Dutt’s areas of specialization are macroeconomic theory, development economics, international economics and political economy. His current research focuses on global uneven development and globalization, models of growth and distribution, consumption and happiness, and the political economy of war and peace. He is the author or editor of several books including Growth, Distribution and Uneven Development (Cambridge, 1990), Crossing the Mainstream (coedited with K Jameson, Notre Dame, 2001), Development Economics and Structuralist Macroeconomics (coedited with J Ros, Edward Elgar, 2003), International Handbook of Development Economics (2 volumes, coedited with J Ros, Edward Elgar, 2008), Happiness, Economics and Politics (coedited with B Radcliff, Edward Elgar, 2009), and Economics and Ethics (coauthored with C Wilber, Palgrave-Macmillan, 2010) and the author of over 140 papers published in edited volumes and economics journals including American Economic Review, Cambridge Journal of Economics, Economics Letters, History of Political Economy, International Review of Applied Economics, Journal of Comparative Economics, Journal of Development Economics, Journal of Development Studies, Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, Metroeconomica, Oxford Economic Papers, Review of Political Economy, Review of Radical Political Economics, and World Development. He is a coeditor of the international journal, Metroeconomica. He previously served as chairperson of the Economics Department at Notre Dame.
Amitava Dutt

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