Anatole Kaletsky is founder and co-chairman of GaveKal Dragonomics, an economic consulting and asset management group based in Hong Kong and Beijing. He is also a columnist for Reuters and the International Herald Tribune and a member of the Governing Board of the Institute for New Economic Thinking. His recent book, Capitlism 4.0, on the post-crisis transformation of the global economy, was nominated for the 2011 Samuel Johnson Prize. Before founding Gavekal, he worked for 30 years as an economic journalist and commentator on the Financial Times, The Economist, and the London Times.
Anatole Kaletsky

By this expert
Three Economic Surprises to Watch for in 2017

Institute Governing Board member Anatole Kaletsky argues that the Trump Administration’s policies will boost inflation and spur interest-hikes as well as a stronger dollar more rapidly than many expect, but that the European Union’s economy is on the mend
Trumping Capitalism?

Donald Trump’s presidency is a symptom of an interregnum between economic orders – a period that will result in a new balance between state and market. While his administration’s economic policies are unlikely to provide the right answer, they may at least show the world what not to do.
Brexit's Impact on the World Economy

Why a British vote to leave the European Union would have consequences far larger than the UK’s proportional share of the global economy might suggest
When Things Fall Apart

Democratic capitalism is an evolving system that responds to crises by radically transforming both economic relations and political institutions. The time for a new phase has come, regardless of whether “responsible” politicians are prepared to admit it.
Featuring this expert
Anatole Kaletsky discusses INET research in an interview with Project Syndicate
“INET has supported a lot of brilliant academic work in areas such as Imperfect Knowledge Economics, financial regulation, human development, and environmental economics. Such research has helped to discredit the ideas – such as “perfect” competition, “efficient” markets, and “rational” expectations – that formed the ideological foundations for laissez-faire microeconomics, monetarist central banking, and irrational pre-Keynesian fiscal policy, especially in Europe. As such, it has done as much as INET’s other work – including policy research, academic community-building, and deepening collaboration with the International Monetary Fund, the OECD, and other official institutions – to end market fundamentalism’s intellectual monopoly.” — Anatole Kaletsky, Project Syndicate
Bonds or Bust! George Soros: Proposal for Perpetual Bonds — A Discussion on the Future of European Fiscal Capacity

George Soros’ latest op-ed in the Project Syndicate reasserts his view how perpetual bonds could help the European Union overcome its deadlock on fiscal spending.
Debt Talks Episode 3 | How Bad Can It Still Get? Credit Risks, Debt Overhang, and the COVID-19 Recession Click to Register | moderated by Moritz Schularick with Megan Greene, Anatole Koletsky and Yueran Ma

What is the current situation in credit markets? Will an overhang of debt on corporate balance sheets slow down the recovery from the COVID recession and be a drag on investment going forward? Does the COVID recession still have the potential to turn into a broader financial meltdown?
Economists are Divided over Brexit

Some predict global economic catastrophe if Britain votes to leave the EU, others foresee a more limited set of consequences — and some see a telling trend in the public ignoring economists’ warnings