Aakash Kalyani is an economist at Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. His research interests are in economic growth, innovation and technological change. He also works on the use Natural Language Processing methods in Economics . He has a PhD in Economics from Boston University.
Aakash Kalyani

By this expert
How Do Tech Innovations Really Spread? New Evidence

New technologies appear to yield long-lasting benefits for the pioneer locations where they were originally developed.
The Diffusion of New Technologies
The concentration of innovation in a handful of urban centers engenders large and persistent regional disparities in economic opportunity.
Who Benefits From New Technologies?

Do the benefits of new technologies accrue primarily to inventors, early investors, and highly skilled users, or to society more widely as their adoption generates employment growth?
The Geography of New Technologies
Rising inequality has focused attention on the benefits of new technologies. Do these accrue primarily to inventors, early investors, and highly skilled users, or to society more widely as their adoption generates employment growth?