Andrew Smithers founded Smithers & Co in 1989. Before that he ran S G Warburg’s successful asset management business for many years (now part of BlackRock). A regular financial commentator and columnist, and author of many academic publications, he co-authored Valuing Wall Street with Stephen Wright (published March 2000). He wrote Wall Street Revalued: Imperfect Markets and Inept Central Bankers (published July 2009), and is also the author of Chapter 6, “Can We Identify Bubbles and Stabilize the System?” in The Future of Finance, published by the LSE in September, 2010.
Andrew Smithers

By this expert
Final Comments on Lance Taylor’s “On the ‘Global Savings Glut”
The third and final round of response from Andrew Smithers on Lance Taylor’s INET working paper on the alleged “global savings glut.”
Second Round: The Labor Share of Corporate Income
Andrew Smithers responds to Lance Taylor’s rebuttal.
Comment on Lance Taylor’s “’Savings Glut’ Fables and International Trade Theory: An Autopsy”
Financial commentator Andrew Smithers responds to Lance Taylor’s INET working paper. You may also read Taylor’s response to Smithers’s comment here.