Dan Breznitz, is a Professor and Munk Chair of Innovation Studies, and the Co-Director of the Innovation Policy Lab at the Munk School of the University of Toronto. Professor Breznitz is known worldwide as an expert on rapid-innovation-based industries and their globalization, as well as for his pioneering research on the distributional impact of innovation policies. He has been an advisor on science, technology, and innovation policies to multinational corporations, governments, and international organizations. His past books were awarded the Don K. Price for Best Book on Science and Technology, and the Susan Strange Best Book in International Studies. His policy work was recognized by the GTRC 75th Anniversary Innovation Award for Public Service, Leadership, and Policy, and in 2008 he was selected as a Sloan Industry Studies Fellow. In an earlier life Breznitz founded and served as a CEO of a small software company.
Dan Breznitz

By this expert
Severing the Innovation-Inequality Link: Distribution Sensitive Science, Technology and Innovation Policies in Developed Nations
Innovation is essential to economic growth. However, it appears that the ways in which we pursue innovation policies have aggravated inequality. Inequality is an increasingly contentious political issue in both wealthy and emerging economies.
Featuring this expert
Innovation in the Service of Society

How innovation ought to be guided if it is to be successful in addressing our most pressing problems.
Innovation and the State

Economic growth and rising prosperity does not happen at the moment of invention. Only an innovation policy aiming to maximise activities throughout the innovation cycle will succeed in capturing economic growth that enhance the welfare of all citizens.