Daniel Chomsky teaches political science at University of Texas Rio Grande Valley. His work focuses on the mass media decision making, political power and public policy. His research has been published in Media, Culture & Society, Political Communication, Critical Studies in Media Communication, Law & Society Review, and other journals.
Daniel Chomsky

By this expert
Why Americans’ Hatred of Taxes Is Fake News

Newspapers consistently underplay wide public support for higher taxes on businesses and the wealthy
A Distorting Mirror: Major Media Coverage of Americans’ Tax Policy Preferences
Over the last four decades, Americans have consistently told pollsters that they favor higher taxes on business and the wealthy, even as tax policy has moved sharply in the other direction.
The New York Times and American Tax Policy: Representing Citizens or Echoing Elites?
A recent New York Times article observed that Americans want action to address inequality. 2016 presidential candidates from both parties also acknowledge that inequality is a pressing concern. But not one of the candidates has proposed to do anything meaningful about it, sharing wealthy Americans’ (understandable) opposition to any solution (Scheiber 2015). Perhaps nothing has been done because there is nothing to do about it.