Institute Staff

By this expert
INET Welcomes Jamie Daves as its Newest Governing Board Member

New INET Governing Board Member Announcement
INET congratulates Dr. Claudia Goldin

We heartily congratulate her on receiving the Nobel Prize in Economics.
INET Welcomes Dr. Neva Goodwin as its Newest Governing Board Member

New INET Governing Board Member Announcement
In Tribute to Lance Taylor (1940 - 2022)

Everyone at INET is saddened by the news that our colleague Lance Taylor passed away on Monday, August 15th, 2022. His loss leaves a giant hole in our hearts as well as in the field of economics. His talents and achievements were prodigious and we will miss his cheerful and inspiring presence. Words help little on such occasions, but we would like to extend our condolences to his wife Yvonne, and his children Signe and Ian.