Katarina Juselius is professor in econometrics and empirical economics at the University of Copenhagen. She has led several large research projects on macroeconomic transmission mechanisms in Europe and been involved in the analysis of numerous (around 300) empirical macro models. She has published extensively in econometric journals, authored the book ‘The Cointegrated VAR model: Methodology and Applications’, OUP, been a member of the Danish Social Sciences Research Council, and the chairperson of the EuroCore Programme of the European Science Foundation. In 1990-2000 she was nr 8 in one of Coupe´s ranking lists of cited economists in the world.
Katarina Juselius
By this expert
On the Role of Theory and Evidence in Macroeconomics
This paper, which is prepared for the Inagural Conference of the Institute for New Economic Thinking in King’s College, Cambridge, 8-11 April 2010, questions the preeminence of theory over empirics in economics and argues that empirical econometrics needs to be given a more important and independent role in economic analysis, not only to have some confidence in the soundness of our empirical inferences, but to uncover empirical regularities that can serve as a basis for new economic thinking.
Featuring this expert
The Economic Crisis and the Crisis in Economics
New Economic Thinking 2010

The Institute for New Economic Thinking convened many of the world’s most distinguished economists, academics and thought leaders at its inaugural Conference at King’s College, University of Cambridge.