Laurent Le Maux

Laurent Le Maux is currently Professor of Economics at the University of the Western Brittany and Research Professor at the University of Paris Panthéon – La Sorbonne. He received his PhD in Economics from the University of Paris – Nanterre. His research interests are in money and central banking, history of monetary theory, and monetary and banking history. He recently published an article entitled “The Classical Monetary Theory on Bank Liquidity and Finance” in the Oxford Economic Papers (2020) and co-authored with Emmanuel Carré an article on “The Federal Reserve’s dollar swap lines and the European Central Bank during the global financial crisis of 2007-09” published in the Cambridge Journal of Economics (2020).

By this expert

Charles Kindleberger, the Dollar System, and Financial Crises

Article | Feb 17, 2025

A review of Perry Mehrling’s book, Money and Empire: Charles P. Kindleberger and the Dollar System, and an exploration Mehrling’s discussion of the 1982 correspondence between Charles Kindleberger and Ben Bernanke examining their theories concerning financial crises.

What Bagehot Means for 21st Century Central Bankers

Article | Jun 8, 2021

Is Victorian writer Walter Bagehot, whose adage “lending freely against good collateral at a penalty rate” has been gospel for central bankers, still relevant in a post-Great Financial Crisis world?

Bagehot for Central Bankers

Paper Working Paper Series | | Jun 2021

Is Victorian writer Walter Bagehot, whose adage “lending freely against good collateral at a penalty rate” has been gospel for central bankers, still relevant in a post-Great Financial Crisis world?