Rajiv Sethi is Professor of Economics at Barnard College, Columbia University, and an External Professor at the Santa Fe Institute. His research and teaching is focused primarily on Financial Economics and the Economics of Inequality. In recent work, he has examined segregation in neighborhoods and social networks, stereotyping in economic interactions, disparities across groups in crime victimization and incarceration, and the transmission across generations of group inequality. He is also currently working on polarization in public beliefs, the effects of credit derivatives on the cost of capital, and the dynamics of prices in speculative asset markets.
Rajiv Sethi
By this expert
On Arrest Filters and Empirical Inferences
I’ve been thinking a bit more about Roland Fryer’s working paper on police use of force, prompted by this thread by Europile and excellent posts by Michelle Phelps and Ezekeil Kweku.
Featuring this expert
Azim Premji Winter School 2013

The Azim Premji University-Institute for Economic Thinking Advanced Graduate Workshop in Poverty, Development and Globalization is interested in identifying the complex global interactions that influence poverty and development as well as the development strategies that have proven successful in promoting equitable growth, promoting capabilities, and reducing poverty.