Our starting point is a new theory of decision-making (Conviction Narrative Theory, CNT) and a new methodology for economic prediction (Directed Algorithmic Text Analysis, DATA).
The theory, like Keynes’ theory of long-term expectations and Soros’ theory of reflexivity, on which we draw, starts from observation and evidence. The method makes use of data sources and computer methodologies that have only become available in the last few years. It is derived from the theory, which focuses on how agents recruit their emotions when working out what to expect from their decisions and those of the agents around them.
In this approach expectations are conceived to be created through the capacity of human agents to simulate and communicate mental pictures of future outcomes that they feel are accurate. In this way, agents become confident enough to act to create potential gain and so risk loss under conditions of uncertainty.
Working Paper
Information and Economics: A New Way to Think About Expectations and to Improve Economic Prediction.
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