Professor David Tuckett is Director of UCL’s Centre for the Study of Decision-making Uncertainty, supported by INET and the Institute of Psychoanalysis in London. Trained in Economics, Medical Sociology and Psychoanalysis he is Professor in the Faculty of Brain Sciences and a practicing psychoanalyst.” His book Minding the Markets: An Emotional Finance View of Financial Instability opened new ways of thinking about Economics and Finance and he has also written a monograph published by the Research Foundation of the CFA Institute. He used an inaugural INET grant to develop a new approach to decision making under deep uncertainty; Conviction Narrative Theory and Directed Algorithmic Text Analysis. The approach made it possible to develop core indicators of relative sentiment shifts in text narratives. An outstanding feature of these new findings is that the measures of emotion, which are entirely different to those used in conventional sentiment analysis, are orthogonal to economic news content, demonstrating statistically for the first time that emotional shifts in narratives Granger-cause major economic variables and indicate the growth of financial risk.
David Tuckett
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Irreducible Uncertainty and its Implications: A Narrative Action Theory for Economics.
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