Business & Industry
Autos and the European Union: Another Crash?
Aug 30, 2021
In Europe, imbalances in the structure of the automotive and a lack of industrial policies risk creating a deadly cocktail for millions of European workers just as the auto sector is undergoing decisive changes.
Working Paper Series
Automotive Global Value Chains in Europe
Aug 2021
In Europe, imbalances in the structure of the automotive and a lack of industrial policies risk creating a deadly cocktail for millions of European workers just as the auto sector is undergoing decisive changes.
How Intel Financialized and Lost Leadership in Semiconductor Fabrication
Jul 7, 2021
Stock buybacks come at the cost of technological innovation
Debt Talks Episode 7 | The Case for Household Debt Relief
Webinarwith Erica Jiang, Johnna Montgomerie, and Jialan Wang; moderated by Moritz Schularick
Hosted by Private Debt
Apr 20, 2021
Large-sale debt relief for indebted households could be a game changer.
Stock Buybacks Stand in the Way of Biden’s Infrastructure Plan
Apr 7, 2021
Hedge fund managers are pushing American firms to play Wall Street games instead of investing in technologies of the future. China doesn’t have that problem.
Debt Talks Episode 6 | Who’s Afraid of European Banks?
Webinarwith Martin Arnold, Elena Carletti and Richard Vague; moderated by Thomas Fricke and Moritz Schularick
Hosted by Private Debt
Feb 23, 2021
Does the COVID recession still have the potential to turn into a broader financial meltdown?
The Future of Work | Making Technologies Work for All
Webinarmoderated by Katya Klinova with Antonio Andreoni, Tess Posner and Martin Reeves
Jan 19, 2021
What are the choices we must make to ensure technology empowers, augments, rewards, and respects the majority, not the few, given its increasing defining role in future economies and societies?
Heading for a Crash? The Future of the Automobile Industry
Dec 9, 2020
How electric and self-driving cars could change the industry
Working Paper Series
The Future of the Automotive Industry: Dangerous Challenges or New Life for a Saturated Market?
Dec 2020
How electric and self-driving cars could change the industry
Debt Talks Episode 3 | How Bad Can It Still Get? Credit Risks, Debt Overhang, and the COVID-19 Recession
WebinarClick to Register | moderated by Moritz Schularick with Megan Greene, Anatole Koletsky and Yueran Ma
Hosted by Private Debt
Oct 20, 2020
What is the current situation in credit markets? Will an overhang of debt on corporate balance sheets slow down the recovery from the COVID recession and be a drag on investment going forward? Does the COVID recession still have the potential to turn into a broader financial meltdown?
Mossadeck Bally, CEO Azalaï Hotels Group : « Le secteur privé africain doit faire partie intégrante des plans de relance économique »
Oct 13, 2020
Dans le cadre de cet entretien, Mr. Mossadeck Bally, C.E.O, Azalai Hotels Group et membre du GRAIN (Groupe de Réflexion, d’Actions et d’Initiatives Novatrices) revient sur les impacts économiques de la pandémie du COVID-19 sur son groupe hôtelier, le rôle du secteur privé malien dans le plan de relance économique, l’emploi des jeunes et les solutions qui doivent être apportées à la crise politique au Mali.
Mossadeck Bally, CEO Azalaï Hotels group: "Africa’s Economic Recovery Plans Must Involve the Private Sector as an Integral Part"
Oct 13, 2020
In this interview, Mr. Mossadeck Bally, a Malian businessman and CEO of Azalai Hotels Group and member of GRAIN (Group of Reflection, Actions and Innovative Initiatives) discusses the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on his hotel group, the role of the Malian private sector in the economic recovery plan, youth employment and the solutions that must be provided to the political crisis in Mali.
The Future of Work | What is Technology? Accelerator, Enabler, or Displacer?
Webinarmoderated by Katya Klinova with Long Chen, Anton Korinek and John Van Reenen
Sep 29, 2020
Human societies have always coevolved with technology, but how can we think of technology? Is it an external force outside our control, or do we have a say in its direction, development and deployment?
The Restructuring of the World Automobile Industry
WebinarSep 26, 2020
An INET organized panel under the auspices of the 2020 Trento Economic Festival
Working Paper Series
Spilt Milk: COVID-19 and the Dangers of Dairy Industry Consolidation
Aug 2020
Consolidation in the dairy industry has created separate, inflexible supply chains for consumers and commercial markets. When COVID killed commercial demand, perfectly good milk and cheese was wasted.