Why We Need Inclusive Prosperity
May 15, 2019
The implications of rising inequality are massive. Economists need to tackle it together.
Science and Subterfuge in Economics
Feb 17, 2019
John Kenneth Galbraith noted in 1973 that establishment economics had become the “invaluable ally of those whose exercise of power depends on an acquiescent public.” If anything, economists’ embrace of that role has grown stronger since then.
The Bogus Paper that Gutted Workers’ Rights
Feb 6, 2019
For years, governments in India and much of the developing world have followed the advice of a paper arguing that labor regulations actually hurt workers. The problem? The research was wrong.
Working Paper Series
Labor Laws and Manufacturing Performance in India: How Priors Trump Evidence and Progress Gets Stalled
Feb 2019
For years, governments in India and much of the developing world have followed the advice of a paper arguing that labor regulations actually hurt workers. The problem? The research was wrong.
Commission on Global Economic Transformation
Chaired by Nobel laureates Joseph Stiglitz and Michael Spence, INET has assembled a global team of leaders and scholars calling for new thinking & new rules for the world economy
Inclusive or Exclusive Global Development?
Scrutinizing Financial Inclusion
WorkshopNov 21, 2018
Microfinance and then financial inclusion have become buzzwords in international development. Such initiatives have mobilised and generated large amounts of development funding, despite substantial amount of critique. Such critiques call for a more impartial assessment of the effectiveness of financial inclusion on the grounds that funds for microfinance, they argue, displaced development spendings on healthcare, education or infrastructure. In addition, the focus on expansion of financial markets to ‘bank’ and financially ‘include’ the poor may divert attention from more comprehensive and effective poverty reduction strategies. Critiques of this ‘way of doing development’ are often sidelined and labelled as ‘extreme’, ‘sloppy’ or ideology-driven rather than evidence-based. We believe that there is a need for contemporary development scholars from all disciplines to engage in those debates. This half-day workshop would bring in such scholars to discuss what we have learned from a decade of research on the microfinance, and how financial inclusion and the emergence of fintech may offer new opportunities - as well as risks - in for inclusive global development.
Rethinking Social Progress in the 21st Century
Aug 14, 2018
A new report examines the path to global social progress. Unfortunately, there are no easy answers
Ending the Wild West of Sovereign Debt Restructuring
Jul 23, 2018
Clear rules and sound principles for debt restructuring would level the playing field between developing countries and creditors
Advanced Graduate Workshop on Poverty, Development and Globalization
WorkshopJul 8–21, 2018
This small interdisciplinary workshop, is organized by the Azim Premji University, Institute for Policy Dialogue and the Institute for New Economic Thinking. The goal of the workshop is to bring together graduate students studying development studies at a sufficiently advanced stage of their dissertation work to be able to discuss and receive feedback on their research.
YSI @ Association for Heterodox Economics Conference
WorkshopJul 5–7, 2018
The YSI Economic Development Working Group will host a series of panels at the annual conference of the Association for Heterodox Economics, with the goal of developing an innovative research program on productive structures, institutions, distribution, and economic development.
Making Sense of Globalization in the 21st Century
Jun 13, 2018
In a complex world, we’ll experience more “black swans”, and the things that standard economic models assumed away will matter much more.
The Roots of Argentina’s Surprise Crisis
Jun 12, 2018
A change in macroeconomic policies will not be sufficient to set Argentina on a path of inclusive and sustained economic development. But, as last month’s currency scare showed, abandoning the approach adopted by President Mauricio Macri’s administration at the end of 2015 is a necessary step.
Who Says Labor Laws Are “Luxuries”?
Jun 11, 2018
The World Bank and IMF say developing economies can’t afford to have strong labor laws. Actually, they can’t afford not to.
Working Paper Series
Labor Institutions and Development Under Globalization
Jun 2018
Labor market regulation is a controversial area of public policy in both developed and developing countries.
Why We Need a Global Public Economics
May 7, 2018
Global public goods, from health to peace to security, crisscross national and social boundaries. We need a new economic theory to understand their pivotal role in the global economy.