India: Demonetization and its Discontents
Nov 28, 2016
By suddenly eliminating two widely used bank notes, India’s government risks undermining public confidence in the basic means of exchange
Advanced Graduate Workshop in Development and Globalization
WorkshopJul 4–17, 2016
The Advanced Graduate Workshop in Development, led by Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz is interested in identifying the complex interactions that influence well-being, development and growth.
Tunisia in Turmoil: When Supply-Side Orthodoxy Meets an Angry Citizenry
May 23, 2016
Mass protests challenging the government to focus on job-creation rather than on market liberalization and trade deals may carry a cautionary message to Western policy makers, too.
The Global Consumption and Income Project
Apr 14, 2016
We have developed over a number of years and now make publicly available a new and unprecedented data resource for understanding levels of living, poverty, inequality and inclusivity of growth and development around the world.
Inclusive Growth: Making It Happen
Nov 20, 2015
Exploring inequality, gender, and the North-South divide.
Governance in Africa
Oct 29, 2015
A combination of leeway within the government and constitutional immunity during incumbency enables office holders to abuse their budget at will, which in turn creates a crisis of growth in Africa, relative to other parts of the world.
$1.90 Per Day: What Does it Say?
Oct 6, 2015
The World Bank’s global poverty estimates suffer from deep-seated problems arising from a single source, the lack of a standard for identifying who is poor and who is not that is consistent and meaningful.
Is the Devil in the Details? Estimating Global Poverty
Oct 3, 2015
Economists’ assumptions, even about seemingly “small” matters, make an enormous difference to global poverty estimates but their impact often goes unnoticed, and the choices made have been badly justified. We must stop pretending that the World Bank’s “$1 per day” estimates are at all reliable.
Working paper
Religious Riots and Electoral Politics in India
Sep 2015
The effect of ethnic violence on electoral results provides useful insights into voter behaviour and the incentives for political parties in democratic societies.
Partnership Paper
Is There a Debt-threshold Effect on Output Growth?
Jul 2015
This paper studies the long-run impact of public debt expansion on economic growth and investigates whether the debt-growth relation varies with the level of indebtedness.
Ukraine & The Future of Europe
Apr 10, 2015 | 08:00—08:30
Conference paper
Gordian knot: A panoramic perspective on stemming illicit financial flows from Africa
Apr 2015
Pushing this strand of research brings a certain feeling of trepidation. It comes from recognizing that by openly elaborating on how to catch or deter a criminal, you thereby confer an undue advantage on the criminal through forewarning.
Conference paper
Capital Flight from Africa and Development Inequality: Domestic and Global Dimensions
Apr 2015
Over the past decades African economies have exhibited two stunning paradoxes: growth acceleration coexisting with stubbornly high poverty rates; increasing capital flight along with widening development financing gaps. There has been no attempt to link the two in the literature.
The Problem of Capital Flight
Apr 9, 2015 | 11:30—01:00
Conference paper
Two Paths to War: The Origins of the First World War versus the Dynamics of Contemporary Sino-American Confrontations
Apr 2015
During the past year, there have been numerous and somber reflections, rather like those during a traditional period of mourning, about the great and tragic events that occurred just 100 years ago – the beginning of the First World War. And in the course of these melancholy reflections about the past, there naturally have arisen anxious concerns about the future.