Conference paper
The humble economist
Oct 2017
What economics can – and can’t – tell us about climate change
Taking the Con Out of Economics? The Limits of Negative Darwinism
Oct 22, 2017 | 12:00
What Do Citations Actually Measure in Economics and How Should Economic Journals and Department Review Committees Use This Data?
Nobel Laureates to Co-Chair Independent Commission on Global Economy
Oct 22, 2017
Joseph Stiglitz, Michael Spence and a global team of leading thinkers are calling for new thinking & new rules for the world economy
PlenaryFrom the Origins of Economic Ideas to the Challenges of Our Time
Oct 21–23, 2017
INET gathered hundreds of new economic thinkers in Edinburgh to discuss the past, present, and future of the economics profession.
Festival for New Economic Thinking
ConferenceOct 19–20, 2017
The Festival for New Economic Thinking is a collaborative initiative of several organizations, and aims to bring together those who seek to improve how economics is taught, studied and practiced.
We’ll Always Need Paris
Jun 29, 2017
Faced with rapid cost reductions for clean electricity generation, some commentators suggest that we no longer need the Paris agreement or other policy interventions, because technology alone can solve all problems.
America Last
Jun 8, 2017
Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris accord sets the US economy back
CFP - The Dimensions of Poverty Conference
Deadline: 31 January 2017
WorkshopJun 7–9, 2017
YSI Working Groups are cooperating with Dimensions of Poverty conference
Oceanic Economics
May 31, 2017
Ocean expert Peter Neill says the watery depths hold solutions to earth’s most pressing challenges
Mexico, NAFTA, and the Future of the North American Economy
May 30, 2017 | 04:00—05:30
A discussion featuring Kenneth Smith, Head of the Trade and NAFTA Office of the Ministry of the Economy of Mexico, and Jay Pelosky, Principal of Pelosky Global Strategies.
Pathways & Obstacles to a Low-carbon Economy
Apr 27, 2017
The energy transition is happening. But the pace of change depends on a range of technical, business, and societal factors.
Kanth: A 400-Year Program of Modernist Thinking is Exploding
Mar 9, 2017
Eurocentric modernism has unhinged us from our human nature, argues Rajani Kanth in his new book
INET Guide to the 2017 EEA Meeting
ConferenceFeb 23–26, 2017
A reference guide to all Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET) community presentations at the Eastern Economic Association’s (EEA) 2017 annual meeting
Carbon Dividends: The Bipartisan Key to Climate Policy?
Feb 13, 2017
The practical question in Washington today is not whether regulations will go, but whether anything will replace them
To Save Capitalism, Make it Work for Average Folks
Feb 1, 2017
Smick argues that distortions of capitalism have fed populist rebellion, and that reviving a capitalism that offers opportunity for average people to increase their earnings is an urgent priority if America’s political economy is to be stabilized.