New Economic Thinking vs. Hard Political Realities
Apr 13, 2015
George Soros on the Future of Europe
Apr 10, 2015 | 03:30
Conference paper
The Eurozone crisis: A debt shortage as the final cause
Apr 2015
This paper proposes a different interpretation of the Eurozone crisis, seeing as its “final” cause European policies which have forced private savings down too low.
The Eurozone Crisis: Fiscal Profligacy Or Capital Flows As Final Causes
Apr 10, 2015 | 06:30—08:00
Ukraine & The Future of Europe
Apr 10, 2015 | 08:00—08:30
Conference paper
Austeritarianism in Europe: What Options for Resistance?
Apr 2015
In much of Europe, the social rights and social protections won in the first post-war decades, by labour movements in particular, have subsequently been seriously eroded, and are further threatened by neoliberal austerity.
Conference paper
Reflexivity, expectations feedback and almost self-fulfilling equilibria: economic theory, empirical evidence and laboratory experiments
Apr 2015
We discuss recent work on bounded rationality and learning in relation to Soros’ principle of reflexivity and stress the empirical importance of non-rational, almost self-fulfilling equilibria in positive feedback systems.
Conference paper
Italy's Crisis: Neither Fiscal Profligacy nor Capital Flows
Apr 2015
Italy was one of the worst hit during the 2007–2009 global financial crisis (GFC) among the major advanced economies. By year-end 2009, Italy’s economy had contracted by 6.6 percent; significantly larger than the recessions in the euro zone and the United States, for example, which saw their GDPs shrink by 4.4 and 3.1 percent, respectively.
Herr Schauble’s Foibles: The Eurozone Rebalancing Conundrum
Apr 10, 2015
Conference paper
Gordian knot: A panoramic perspective on stemming illicit financial flows from Africa
Apr 2015
Pushing this strand of research brings a certain feeling of trepidation. It comes from recognizing that by openly elaborating on how to catch or deter a criminal, you thereby confer an undue advantage on the criminal through forewarning.
Conference paper
Towards a Sovereign Debt Restructuring Framework
Apr 2015
Initiatives to improve sovereign debt restructuring (“SDR”) began long before recent Argentine bond decisions but were redoubled in the aftermath of these rulings. At first glance, these cases identify problematic contract language that could be rectified by re-drafting critical boilerplate provisions such as the pari passu and collective action clauses (“CAC”).
Conference paper
Capital Flight from Africa and Development Inequality: Domestic and Global Dimensions
Apr 2015
Over the past decades African economies have exhibited two stunning paradoxes: growth acceleration coexisting with stubbornly high poverty rates; increasing capital flight along with widening development financing gaps. There has been no attempt to link the two in the literature.
The Problem of Capital Flight
Apr 9, 2015 | 11:30—01:00
Macroeconomic Externalities
Apr 9, 2015 | 12:15—01:45
Conference paper
Two Paths to War: The Origins of the First World War versus the Dynamics of Contemporary Sino-American Confrontations
Apr 2015
During the past year, there have been numerous and somber reflections, rather like those during a traditional period of mourning, about the great and tragic events that occurred just 100 years ago – the beginning of the First World War. And in the course of these melancholy reflections about the past, there naturally have arisen anxious concerns about the future.