Grantee paper
Method to simultaneously determine stock, flow, and parameter values in large stock flow consistent models
Jun 2012
Stock flow consistent macroeconomic models suffer from the lack of a coherent estimation method due to the complicated nature of the modeling process.
Grantee paper
Macroeconomic Policy in DSGE and Agent-Based Models
Jun 2012
The Great Recession seems to be a natural experiment for macroeconomics showing the inadequacy of the predominant theoretical framework — the New Neoclassical Synthesis — grounded on the DSGE model.
Grantee paper
The Making of America’s Imbalances
Jun 2012
This paper tracks the development of sectoral saving and borrowing in the US economy over the past 50 years.
Grantee paper
Principled Policymaking in an Uncertain World
Jun 2012
Revised text of a presentation at the Conference on Microfoundations for Modern Macroeconomics, Columbia University, November 2010. I would like to thank Amar Bhidé, Roman Frydman, and Andy Haldane for helpful comments, and the Institute for New Economic Thinking for research support.
Grantee paper
What’s Wrong with Economic Models?
Jun 2012
John Kay’s thought-provoking essay The Map is Not the Territory: An Essay on the State of Economics argues that economists have been led astray by excessive reliance on formal models derived from assumptions that bear too little similarity to the world we live in.
Lethal Embrace? A Thought Experiment
Jun 18, 2012
At the heart of the Eurocrisis lies a vicious circle where once there was a virtuous one.
After the election, what’s next for Greece?
Jun 17, 2012
After the recent election brought a center-right coalition to power, what’s next in the Greek crisis? Are we finally in the clear? Not so fast, Greek economist Yanis Varoufakis says. Varoufakis explains the real outcome we can except after Greek voters’ “contradictory verdict,” where 55% voted for anti-bailout parties yet a pro-bailout government resulted due to the nature of Greece’s electoral system.
Swexit - When will Switzerland exit the euro?
Jun 6, 2012
Since September 2011, the Swiss National Bank has held a floor of 1.20 francs per euro.
Maynard's Revenge: A Review
May 21, 2012
Below is a revised version of a talk I gave at the New School University, at a conference to launch Lance Taylor’s latest book. The date of the event was April 28, 2011, more than a year ago, and the delay in revision was entirely my fault—overcommitment and pressing deadlines on many fronts. Sorry about that.
Maynard's Revenge: A Review
May 21, 2012
The Collapse of Free Market Macroeconomics
Grantee paper
State-Dependent Effects of Fiscal Policy
May 2012
We investigate the effects of government spending on U.S. economic activity using a threshold version of a structural vector autoregressive model.
Insights from Bagehot, for these Trying Times
May 11, 2012
Here is a talk I gave recently at Wake Forest University.
Grantee paper
Does the Effectiveness of Fiscal Stimulus Depend on Economic Context?
Apr 2012
The topic of this session of the INET conference is a question: does the effectiveness of fiscal policy in stabilizing an economy depend on the underlying economic context in which the policy is implemented?
Banks as creators of money
Apr 30, 2012
In conversation recently, I was called upon to defend the claim that banks are in the business of creating and destroying private money.
The Clash of Economic Ideas: A Review
Apr 25, 2012
When Paul Krugman paints John Maynard Keynes as a pioneering critic of dominant free-market economics, he exaggerates wildly, both about the rigidity of orthodoxy and about the pioneering character of Keynes’ critique.