How Liberals Normalized Conservative Ideas
Aug 28, 2019
The New York Times’ Binyamin Appelbaum explains the role Democratic presidents, from Kennedy to Obama, in moving economic policy to the right
Why We Need a Multidisciplinary Economics
Aug 14, 2019
Economics needs to better incorporate other social sciences
INET/YSI Pre-conference @ STOREP 2019
WorkshopJun 25–27, 2019
The Institute for New Economic Thinking and the Italian Association for the History of Political Economy (STOREP) announce a day and a half of lectures, workshops, and debates held on the 26th and 27th of June, just before the annual STOREP conference, in Siena, Italy.
ConferencePrivate Debt Initiative
Hosted by Private Debt
Jun 20–21, 2019
Shaped by the 2008 financial crisis, a new generation of economists is expanding the boundaries of economic thinking on credit cycles, private debt, and financial stability.
What Lehman Brothers Tells Us About American Capitalism
Jun 11, 2019
Ben Power, who adapted the play “The Lehman Trilogy,” talks about the eponymous family’s role in the creation and destruction of American wealth
Rates of Return on Everything: A New Database
Jun 4, 2019
Returns on wealth exceed growth for more countries, more years, and more dramatically than Piketty has found
Coding Private Money
Jun 3, 2019
The state has long used law to back private money—with dire consequences, then and now
Modern Monetary Inevitabilities
May 31, 2019
For all the talk of Modern Monetary Theory representing a brave new frontier, it is easy to forget that the United States has gone down this road before, when the US Federal Reserve financed the war effort in the 1940s. Then, as now, the question is not about government debt, but about the debt’s purpose and justification.
Socialism in Our Time?
May 21, 2019
One of America’s leading socialists discusses how a collectively owned economy would be structured, the limits of the welfare state, and what Keynes understood that Marx didn’t
Antitrust in American History: Law, Institutions, and Economic Performance
May 2, 2019
The Chicago School’s weakening of antitrust law hurt the economy
Working Paper Series
Antitrust and Economic History: The Historic Failure of the Chicago School of Antitrust
May 2019
This paper presents an historical analysis of the antitrust laws.
Can Markets Corrode Relationships?
Mar 25, 2019
Kristen Ghodsee discusses her research on how love and relationships function under socialism and capitalism, and what economists miss about the rise of right-wing populism in Eastern Europe
Krishna Bharadwaj, the Torchbearer of Economics
Mar 21, 2019
During her long career she illuminated many of the shortcomings of neoclassicism, and offered alternative paths
Joan Robinson, the Rational Rebel
Mar 5, 2019
The heterodox scholar was a fierce critic of neoclassical economics. But she also insisted that economics be driven by science, not ideology.
The Black Woman Economist Who Pioneered a Federal Jobs Guarantee
Feb 22, 2019
Decades before it caught on with other economists, Sadie Alexander was the first economist to recommend a government jobs guarantee in the US