The Future of Europe
Apr 12, 2012
Manufacturing jobs will disappear - no matter where you are
Apr 12, 2012
Just as the agricultural share of employment has fallen from 40% in the 1920s to less than 2% of the workforce in Europe today, manufacturing’s share of employment will fall to less than 5% of employment.
@INET Berlin: Doing the actual work
Apr 12, 2012
While yesterday presented a number of frontrunning scientists discussing current economics and state of the economy in general, academic terms, today starts with ECB executive board member Asmussen.
@INET Berlin: The Great Divide
Apr 12, 2012
Behind all the technical language and the common theme of bashing bankers, there remains the Great Divide between Germans and the rest.
Kids Behind the Wall
Apr 12, 2012
On my way back home from the Brandenburger Tor, I recalled that I already have been there, it must have been in 1988.
@INET Berlin: Decisions
Apr 12, 2012
A suprisingly large number of talks refer to the issue of human decision making.
Paradigm Lost
PlenaryNew Economic Thinking 2012
Apr 12–15, 2012
The Institute joined the Centre for International Governance Innovation, and the Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change in hosting its third-annual plenary conference in Berlin from April 12-15, 2012.
Conference paper
Change and Expectations in Macroeconomic Models: Recognizing the Limits to Knowability
Apr 2012
In modern economies, individuals and companies engage in innovative activities, discovering new ways to use existing physical and human capital, and new technologies in which to invest. The institutional and broader social context within which these activities take place also changes in novel ways.
Conference paper
Sovereignty Effects
Apr 2012
With my remarks today on financial markets and the financial crisis, I do not make any claims to originality. Rather, they are intended as a reminder of certain circumstances that are already familiar to us, in one form or another.
Which Way Forward? Reflections on Global Turmoil and the Role of Markets, Governments, and Civil Society
Apr 11, 2012 | 09:20—11:30
The global economy is in turmoil. Societies are unstable and not anchored by faith in the system or social order.
What Can Economists Know? Rethinking the Foundations of Economic Understanding
Apr 11, 2012 | 11:00—02:00
The economics profession stands on the fragile foundation of presuppositions adopted by professional agreement rather than as a result of empirical observation.
Challenging the Foundations of Economic Thinking
Apr 11, 2012 | 06:25—07:45
Paradigm Lost
Apr 11, 2012 | 09:15—10:15
Welcome Remarks
Apr 11, 2012 | 07:00—07:25
Asking questions about paradigms and INET
Apr 11, 2012
Dinner has already rolled around on what has been a quick day.