Rising to the Challenge: Equity, Adjustment and Balance in the World Economy
Apr 9, 2011 | 01:50—03:20
Conference paper
Optimal Currency Areas and Governance: The Challenge of Europe
Apr 2011
In preparing this paper I have decided not to embark upon the decades-old issue of optimal-currency areas and governance as such. I assume that one of my colleagues on the panel will do that. Instead I will present an historical case of over-indebtedness of parts of a common-currency area somewhat similar to the present challenge of Europe, or rather of the Euro area with its common currency.
Conference paper
High Wealth Concentration, Porous Exchange Control, and Shocks to Relative Return: the Fragile State of China’s Foreign Exchange Reserve
Apr 2011
At a time when China is the favored investment destination in the global market, it seems unlikely that it would ever face capital flight.
Conference paper
Legislators Never Bowl Alone: Big Money, Mass Media, and the Polarization of Congress
Apr 2011
This is a small paper on a big subject: the polarization of American politics since the mid-1970s. In its early stages this process bore more than a passing resemblance to the opening scenes of a Grade B disaster movie: With almost everyone’s attention focused elsewhere, a series of tiny, seemingly insignificant departures from long standing routines took place.
Conference paper
Too Big to Fail, Too Big to Jail
Apr 2011
The theme of this session is very timely and controversial, on the ability of sovereign governments to supervise Large Complex Financial Institutions (LCFIs), now officially described as G-SIFIs, global systemically important financial institutions.
Conference paper
Global Imbalances: Past, Present and Future
Apr 2011
After the inception and, hopefully, the passing of the most dangerous phase of the international financial crisis, economists have returned to the long favoured subject of global imbalances.
The Political Economy of Structural Adjustment: Understanding the Obstacles to Cooperation
Apr 9, 2011 | 03:15—05:10
Of history repeating…
Apr 9, 2011
The Bretton Woods conference has a protean character.Talk in the corridors asks “what is it?” Some in the press (lots of press here) believe that deals are being made, the attendance of heavy hitters leads some to believe that consultations and strategies are being outlined for world government (Summers, Stiglitz, Brown, and yesterday Volcker arrived to close the event).
Interview with Barry Eichengreen, any requests?
Apr 9, 2011
We have been talking and video interviewing people at the conference, and we’ve narrowed down a small list of questions which we try to build on and have so far talked to Kenneth Rogoff, Brad DeLong, Ha-Joon Chang, Stephen Ziliak, Philippe Aghion, Jean-Paul Fitoussi, Barry Eichengreen and tomorrow we start with James Galbraith.
Anglo-Saxons versus the Germans
Apr 9, 2011
For one and a half days we had Anglo-Saxons talking finance and financial crisis: Keynesian stimuli, surplus countries bashing, drawing China in, and bullying of the Euro area and in particular Germany’s role in it.
Conference paper
Evolving Economic and Financial Systems in India
Apr 2011
The presentation explains that Indian Economy is basically a market-oriented economy with constant rebalancing between state andmarket.
The Architecture of Asia: Financial Structure and an Emerging Economic System
Apr 9, 2011 | 11:45—01:35
Conference paper
Corporate Citizenship in a Civil Economy
Apr 2011
Many companies around the world have discovered they can benefit financially from integrating environmental, social and governance (ESG) targets in their daily operations and strategy.
The Challenge of Large, Complex Financial Institutions
Apr 8, 2011
Simon Johnson at the Institute’s 2011 Annual Conference.
Can Sovereignty and Effective International Supervision Be Reconciled? The Challenge of Large Complex Financial Institutions
Apr 8, 2011 | 11:05—01:05