Inequality & Distribution
Why Do Economists Have Trouble Understanding Racialized Inequalities?
Aug 3, 2020
Mainstream economics ignores historical and structural factors by design
Working Paper
Never Together: Black and White People in the Postwar Economic Era
Jul 2020
Over and over again, US government policies designed to transfer and create wealth and economic opportunity were restricted to whites by design.
Who Benefits From New Technologies?
Jun 22, 2020
Do the benefits of new technologies accrue primarily to inventors, early investors, and highly skilled users, or to society more widely as their adoption generates employment growth?
Working Paper
The Geography of New Technologies
Jun 2020
Rising inequality has focused attention on the benefits of new technologies. Do these accrue primarily to inventors, early investors, and highly skilled users, or to society more widely as their adoption generates employment growth?
What is Work?
Jun 10, 2020
What counts as work and what doesn’t?
Modigliani Meets Minsky: Inequality and U.S. Household Debt Since 1950
May 7, 2020
A look at the American household debt boom
Working Paper Series
Modigliani Meets Minsky: Inequality, Debt, and Financial Fragility in America, 1950-2016
May 2020
Increased borrowing by middle-class families with low income growth played a central role in rising indebtedness
Research & Policy Workshops
IMPORTANT: Due to growing concerns around the coronavirus, the INET Conference, as well as these workshops will be postponed.
WorkshopApr 13–15, 2020
IMPORTANT: Due to growing concerns around the coronavirus, the INET Conference, as well as these workshops will be postponed. Applicants will soon be provided further information.
Measuring the Danger of Segregation
Mar 4, 2020
Trevon Logan discusses the impact of structural racism in health and economics
Inequality 101
Jan 29, 2020
Inequality, in many ways, may be the biggest question of our times. And yet it is a topic that is still underexplored in conventional economics curricula.
Level-Up Economics: Beyond the Wealth of Nations
Jan 2020
Reconstituting capitalism and revitalizing the liberal international order will require revisiting first principles of Western political economy, rebalancing the emphasis it places on broad living standards as opposed to national income. The 2020 US presidential campaign has begun to do just that.
A Hereditary Meritocracy
Oct 23, 2019
The University of Chicago’s Raghuram Rajan explains how inequalities in the education system lock in a hereditary hierarchy of success
Africa’s Economic Transformation
DiscussionReducing Inequality, Building Sustainability
Hosted by Commission on Global Economic Transformation
Sep 3, 2019
A meeting hosted by INET’s Commission on Global Economic Transformation (CGET) and Oxfam Strategic Dialogue at the WEF Africa meeting
Are We Ready to Give Up Autonomy to AI?
Jul 24, 2019
Artificial intelligence promises to make our lives easier. But is the cost losing some of our humanity?
Puerto Rico’s Crisis Began Before Hurricane Maria
Jul 17, 2019
Economist Marie Mora discusses the deep economic crisis that has afflicted Puerto Rico for years