Inequality & Distribution
Conference paper
Income Inequality and Growth: Problems with the Orthodox Approach
Mar 2015
This paper discusses the main issues about increasing inequality, whether it matters and its impact on economic activity and growth. It starts by briefly considering the empirical evidence of the share of income going to the top one percent since 1945 in the advanced countries. It then considers whether this represents an increase in the productivity of the top one percent or merely an extraction of economic rent.
Europe and the Challenge of Re-Starting Growth
Mar 13, 2015
How can we reconnect economic success to socioeconomic outcomes?
Human Capital and Economic Opportunity
The Human Capital and Economic Opportunity Global Working Group (HCEO) is an interdisciplinary collaboration incorporating biological, sociological and psychological perspectives into traditional economic questions of inequality and human capital.
Political Economy of Distribution
Inequality and distribution—areas underserved by mainstream economics—sit at the heart of The Institute’s work. This program brings together researchers from a variety of disciplines to develop alternative approaches to the problem of inequality.
New Theoretical Perspectives on the Distribution of Income and Wealth Among Individuals
Mar 10, 2015
Can Democracy Survive Aggressive Global Capitalism?
Mar 6, 2015
Rana Dasgupta shares his view of the contradictions and tensions of India’s economic and political scenes.
Drooping Green Shoots
Mar 5, 2015
Conference paper
Rising Inequality, Demand, and Growth in the US Economy
Feb 2015
Working paper
Social Structure, Markets and Inequality
Feb 2015
The interaction between social structure and markets remains a central theme in the social sciences. In some instances, markets can build on and enhance social networks’ economic role; in other contexts, markets appear to be in direct competition with social networks. The impact of markets on inequality and welfare is also varying: while markets can sometimes offer valuable outside options to marginalised individuals, in other situations only well connected and better off individuals can benefit from them.
Working paper
The Labor Market Consequences of Electricity Adoption: Concrete Evidence from the Great Depression
Feb 2015
When the adoption of a new labor‐saving technology increases labor productivity, it is an open question whether the economy adjusts in the medium‐term by decreasing employment or increasing output. This paper studies the effects of cheaper electricity on the labor market during the Great Depression.
The Wealthless Recovery
Feb 16, 2015
What Thomas Piketty and Larry Summers Don’t Tell You About Income Inequality
Feb 4, 2015
Working Paper Series
Labor in the Twenty-First Century: The Top 0.1% and the Disappearing Middle-Class
Jan 2015
The ongoing explosion of the incomes of the richest households and the erosion of middle-class employment opportunities for most of the rest have become integrally related in the now-normal operation of the U.S. economy.
Financial Deregulation: A Question of Efficiency or Distribution?
Jan 13, 2015
How can we better protect Main Street from the externalities of Wall Street?
Behind Europe's Populist Backlash: The Hunger Games of Mainstream Economics
Jan 6, 2015
The turmoil of Brexit and the populist challenge across Europe are consequences of austerity policies that have brought misery to millions of ordinary voters. In this interview first published last January, Servaas Storm warned of the dangers of economic decision making divorced from democracy and from the social consequences of its prescriptions