Inequality & Distribution
Conference paper
Austerity, Polarity and the Prospect of Regime Change: China
Apr 2013
Since the dawn of this millennium, and long before the current financial turmoil and the subsequent bitter pill of austerity therapy hit the Untied States and the European Union, the Chinese Communist Government has publicly recognized the monumental challenge of polarity.
Conference paper
Assessing Development
Apr 2013
There are a number of possible purposes in assessing the level of economic development of a country or part of a country. The assessment may provide an incentive for better development, particularly if it can be compared meaningfully with assessments for other countries.
Austerity, Polarization, and the Prospect of Social Disorder
Apr 5, 2013 | 06:50—08:20
What is Development?
Apr 5, 2013 | 08:30—09:15
Inequality in China
Apr 5, 2013 | 05:50—07:20
Inequality in China, India and America: Causes and Consequences
Apr 5, 2013 | 05:15—06:45
Changing of the Guard
PlenaryApr 4–7, 2013
The Institute for New Economic Thinking held its annual plenary conference in Hong Kong from April 4-7, 2013 at the InterContinental Hotel in Kowloon. The event discussed Asia’s emergence in the global economy and other core issues.
Journal article
Financialization and U.S. Income Inequality, 1970–2008
Feb 2013
Global Inequality @Columbia
DiscussionFeb 21, 2013
The relatively new field of inequality studies is gaining increasing momentum as economic disparity grows throughout the world, in advanced countries as well as less developed ones—especially in the United States.
Azim Premji Winter School 2013
WorkshopJan 6–17, 2013
The Azim Premji University-Institute for Economic Thinking Advanced Graduate Workshop in Poverty, Development and Globalization is interested in identifying the complex global interactions that influence poverty and development as well as the development strategies that have proven successful in promoting equitable growth, promoting capabilities, and reducing poverty.
Years granted:
2015, 2014, 2013
The Measurement and Assessment of Inequalities on a World Scale
This research project continues the work of the University of Texas Inequality Project, developing new data and research in several technical areas.
Years granted:
The Causes of Falling Wage Share and Prospects for Growth with Equality in a Globalized Economy
This research project analyzes the determinants of wage share, taking account of country-specific institutional aspects, in order to contribute to the theory of distribution, combining insights from political economy, institutional economics, and industrial relations.
Years granted:
2012, 2013
Eliciting Maternal Knowledge about the Technology of Skill Formation
This research project collects data that measures maternal knowledge about the impacts of investments on child development and estimates the role such knowledge plays in the determination of economic and social inequality.
Years granted:
The Significance of Inequality: Between Economics and Philosophy
This research project shows what economists can learn from political philosophers in thinking about economic inequality while also investigating the philosophical significance of recent empirical work on inequality, within economics and elsewhere.
A Conversation on the Economy
Oct 24, 2012
What do you get when you put two of the most well known and most widely cited economists in the world, both Nobel laureates, on stage together? A healthy dose of economic reality.