Inequality & Distribution
YSI Latin America Convening
Regional ConveningJul 19–21, 2018
Young Scholars based in Latin America are invited to convene in Buenos Aires. The event serves to strengthen the Latin American network of new economic thinkers pursuing a new economic paradigm. Attendees will be able to enjoy several partner events during the same week.
Why We Need a Federal Jobs Guarantee
Jul 11, 2018
13 million people looking for living wage work is not a “full employment” economy
Italy’s Crisis Is the Left’s Crisis
Jun 22, 2018
When politics is defined in terms of “populism” vs. “the mainstream,” the possibility for real economic reform is diminished.
A Poetic Challenge to Global Capitalism That Will Rend Your Heart
Jun 21, 2018
Edoardo Nesi’s new book tracks the destructive march of globalization and neoliberal capitalism through his own life and the places, like Italy, that lie broken in its wake.
The Dismal Science and the Beautiful Game
Jun 20, 2018
A light-hearted economic analysis of the World Cup
Who Says Labor Laws Are “Luxuries”?
Jun 11, 2018
The World Bank and IMF say developing economies can’t afford to have strong labor laws. Actually, they can’t afford not to.
Working Paper Series
Labor Institutions and Development Under Globalization
Jun 2018
Labor market regulation is a controversial area of public policy in both developed and developing countries.
YSI Europe Convening
Regional ConveningMay 31–Jun 3, 2018
As in previous years, young scholars will come together in Trento during the annual Festival dell’Economia. This gathering will serve as the YSI Europe Convening for 2018. Attendees will have the opportunity to share their work with YSI members from across Europe, while also partaking in the Festival dell’Economia.
Conference paper
Capitalism in the age of robots: work, income and wealth in the 21st-century
May 2018
Adair Turner, Chair of the Institute for New Economic Thinking, Lecture at School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University, Washington DC April 10th 2018
How Bill Cosby, Obama and Mega-preachers Sold Economic Snake Oil to Black America
May 2, 2018
It’s time to connect political violence with economic violence.
The Real Driver of Rising Inequality
May 1, 2018
Wage suppression—not monopoly power—is fueling corporate profits and the growing gap between rich and poor
Working Paper Series
Where Do Profits and Jobs Come From? Employment and Distribution in the US Economy
May 2018
“Meso” level analysis of 16 producing sectors sheds light on broad forces shaping growth of employment and profits.
How to Grow the Economy While Reducing Inequality
Apr 27, 2018
For the BRICS countries to not just grow their economies but also raise the standard of living of their people, inclusive growth that prioritizes poverty reduction is a must
Analysing Wealth Inequality: A Conceptual Reflection
Apr 2018
As early as 1900, German sociologist Georg Simmel identified a central feature of wealth in his seminal work The Philosophy of Money. Simmel writes about the superadditum of wealth for the rich, namely that a great fortune is encircled by innumerable possibilities of use, as though by an astral body.
Learning from MLK, the Inconvenient Hero
Apr 4, 2018
The vision of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 50 years later, and the relevance of his economic ideas today