Technology & Innovation
YSI @ Energy Innovation Academy
ConferenceNov 28–30, 2018
The FSR Energy Innovation Area and the Complexity Economics Working Group of the Young Scholars Initiative (YSI) have the pleasure to invite you to participate in the 1st Energy Innovation Academy.
Why We Need a Second Bretton Woods Gathering
Nov 2018
We need a new system of rules for the digital 21st century that enhances global digital cooperation and welfare. Nothing less than a historic gathering of the world’s key decision makers will get us there.
3rd Law Economics Policy Conference, 2018
ConferenceNov 26–28, 2018
Organized by the National Institute of Public Finance and Policy (NIPFP), New Delhi in collaboration with the Institute of New Economic Thinking, New York, the aim of the Law Economics Policy Conference series is to bring together legal, economic, and public policy thinkers to consider a variety of real world issues in India in a holistic manner.
Inclusive or Exclusive Global Development?
Scrutinizing Financial Inclusion
WorkshopNov 21, 2018
Microfinance and then financial inclusion have become buzzwords in international development. Such initiatives have mobilised and generated large amounts of development funding, despite substantial amount of critique. Such critiques call for a more impartial assessment of the effectiveness of financial inclusion on the grounds that funds for microfinance, they argue, displaced development spendings on healthcare, education or infrastructure. In addition, the focus on expansion of financial markets to ‘bank’ and financially ‘include’ the poor may divert attention from more comprehensive and effective poverty reduction strategies. Critiques of this ‘way of doing development’ are often sidelined and labelled as ‘extreme’, ‘sloppy’ or ideology-driven rather than evidence-based. We believe that there is a need for contemporary development scholars from all disciplines to engage in those debates. This half-day workshop would bring in such scholars to discuss what we have learned from a decade of research on the microfinance, and how financial inclusion and the emergence of fintech may offer new opportunities - as well as risks - in for inclusive global development.
Apple’s “Capital Return Program”: Where Are the Patient Capitalists?
Nov 13, 2018
Instead of rewarding the taxpayers and employees who actually create value for the tech giant, Apple is doling out massive stock buybacks
The Rise of China and the Future of Work
Oct 29, 2018
The Rise of China and the Future of WorkArtificial intelligence could replace routine jobs but allow us to “pursue dreams”
Can AI Free Humans from ‘Routine’ Work?
Oct 10, 2018
Artificial intelligence (AI) is poised to replace routine jobs, says Dr. Kai-Fu Lee. But done right, that process could allow us to “pursue dreams, spend time with our loved ones and find out why we exist as humans”
The End of American Exceptionalism
Oct 3, 2018
“We don’t look after each other at all,” says Jeffrey Sachs on America today
Political Economy of Capitalism
WorkshopAug 27–29, 2018
The Economics of Innovation Working group and the Economic History Working Group together with the Département d’histoire, économie et société at the University of Geneva, are launching the event Political Economy of Capitalism to be held in Geneva, Switzerland, on 27-28-29 August 2018.
YSI Workshop: Innovation, Economic Complexity and Economic Geography
In collaboration with the Collective Learning Group at the MIT Media Lab in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
WorkshopAug 5–7, 2018
The workshop aims to bring together experienced researchers with young scholars in the fields of Innovation, Economic Complexity and Economic Geography to understand knowledge accumulation and spillovers through products, people and places. Those interested in interdisciplinary research, especially bridging a gap between these topics are strongly encouraged to apply.
The Rise of Hedge Fund Activism
Aug 3, 2018
How corporate raiders coopted “shareholder democracy” for their own ends
Working Paper Series
The Subversion of Shareholder Democracy and the Rise of Hedge-Fund Activism
Aug 2018
This paper explains how hedge-fund activists are exerting power over corporate resourceallocation far in excess of the actual voting power of their shareholdings.
Technology, Globalization and the Environment: Latin American Development in the XXI Century
ECLAC Summer School on the Latin American Economies
WorkshopJul 23–24, 2018
The Latin America Working Group and the Keynesian Economic Working Group of the Young Scholars Initiative (YSI) of the Institute of New Economic Thinking (INET) are hosting the workshop “Technology, Globalization and the Environment: Latin American Development in the XXI Century” to be held at the headquarters of the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (UN-ECLAC) in Santiago de Chile on the 23-24 July 2018.
YSI Latin America Convening
Regional ConveningJul 19–21, 2018
Young Scholars based in Latin America are invited to convene in Buenos Aires. The event serves to strengthen the Latin American network of new economic thinkers pursuing a new economic paradigm. Attendees will be able to enjoy several partner events during the same week.
Jim Chanos: “Cryptocurrency is a security speculation game masquerading as a technological breakthrough”
Jun 4, 2018
The “dean of short sellers” says bitcoin is the last thing he’d want to own in the event of a catastrophe.