INET in the News
INET Welcomes Two Academic Council Members
Aug 13, 2018
Sheila Dow and Antonella Stirati bring their scholarly expertise to INET’s research advisory group
INET Swaps Research in Albany Times-Union
Aug 11, 2018
Zephyr Teachout and Morris Pearl cite Michael Greenberger’s INET paper in an op-ed in the Albany Times Union
INET Welcomes Two Governing Board Members
Aug 7, 2018
Arminio Fraga and Richard Vague bring their economic expertise to INET
New York Times Features INET Derivatives Research
Jul 22, 2018
The New York Times features Michael Greenberger’s INET paper on how banks evade derivatives regulation
Fast Company on INET Swaps Research
Jul 2, 2018
Fast Company covers Michael Greenberger’s paper for INET on how banks evade regulation of credit default swaps
Forbes on INET's Jim Chanos Interview
Jun 22, 2018
Forbes cites our interview with Jim Chanos on Bitcoin
NPR: INET Report Says Banks Taking Risks with Swaps
Jun 19, 2018
NPR’s All Things Considered features Michael Greenberger’s INET Working Paper on how banks evade credit default swaps regulation
Bloomberg Features INET Swaps Research
Jun 19, 2018
Bloomberg covers Michael Greenberger’s paper for INET on how banks evade regulation of credit default swaps
Business Insider on INET's Jim Chanos Interview
Jun 5, 2018
Business Insider cites our interview with Jim Chanos on Bitcoin
Marketwatch on INET's Jim Chanos Interview
Jun 5, 2018
Marketwatch cites our interview with Jim Chanos on Bitcoin
CNBC on INET's Jim Chanos Interview
Jun 5, 2018
CNBC cites our interview with Jim Chanos on Bitcoin
Quartz: Rob Johnson on George Soros's Plan for Europe
Jun 4, 2018
Quartz features INET President Rob Johnson on INET Co-Founder George Soros’s plan to save the EU
The New Statesman: Michael Sandel on Populism and Democracy
May 21, 2018
Michael Sandel takes What Money Can’t Buy’s themes of markets and morals and applies them to an analysis of the rise of populism in the West.
In These Times: A Public Option in the Pharma Industry
May 11, 2018
In These Times cites INET research in calling for putting drug companies under public control.
Intellectual Property Watch: Patents Without Examination
Apr 30, 2018
INET Senior Economist Arjun Jayadev and Dean Baker explore the patent system of Brazil, and its implications for developing countries.