INET in the News
Bloomberg: Why Innovation Tends to Bypass Mainstream Economics
Apr 30, 2018
The discipline is divorced from real-world relevance and has lost credibility, writes INET Global Commissioner Mohamed A. El-Erian
Times Now News: America has been afflicted by an ideology that doesn’t work, says Joseph Stiglitz
Apr 30, 2018
Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz, in an exclusive interview with, talks about what is wrong with current American capitalism, rise of a new kind of politics emerging from dissent towards government and more. Here are some excerpts from the interview.
Richard Eskow Interviews Lynn Parramore
Apr 24, 2018
“The Zero Hour with RJ Eskow” talks to Lynn Parramore about her INET piece on public education.
CNN: Democrats Plan Crackdown on Booming Stock Buybacks
Mar 21, 2018
INET grantee William Lazonick explains why Sen. Tammy Baldwin is proposing to ban stock buybacks.
CNN: Are Stock Buybacks Deepening America's Inequality?
Mar 5, 2018
One of Wall Street’s favorite tools could be deepening the growing chasm between America’s rich and poor, according to INET grantee William Lazonick.
CNN: Tax cut scoreboard: Workers $6 billion; Shareholders $171 billion
Feb 16, 2018
INET grantee William Lazonick explains how the Trump tax cut is resulting in buybacks on Wall Street and bonuses for CEOs
Le Monde: L’impact des dons sur les résultats électoraux est un sujet central En savoir plus sur
Feb 15, 2018
Julia Cagé explains the impact of money on French elections
Washington Post: Don’t Let Pay Increases Coming Out of Tax Reform Fool You
Feb 6, 2018
In their op-ed in the Washington Post, INET grantee William Lazonick and Rick Wartzman show how companies are spending their tax savings on investors, not workers.
Euractiv: Champion of ‘helicopter money’ questions universal basic income
Nov 14, 2017
“As chair of Britain’s Financial Services Authority, Adair Turner saw the collapse of the financial system firsthand. In the aftermath of the crisis, he became one of the main advocates of helicopter money – but today he doubts if universal basic income is the best way to address growing inequality. Adair Turner spoke with EURACTIV’s Jorge Valero during INET’s conference held in Edinburgh (Scotland”
Deutsche Welle: Can we avoid another financial crisis?
Oct 26, 2017
“Economist Steve Keen specializes in researching how private and public debt mountains arise and generate financial crises. In an interview with DW, he explains how the ECB could solve the problem — but probably won’t.”
Euractiv: Oxfam chief: ‘We also feel the lack of trust among citizens’
Oct 24, 2017
“Winnie Byanyima believes it is high time to come up with fresh thinking in the world of politics and economy. But first, deeper self-criticism is needed across the board because all fields, including the NGO sector, are affected by a lack of trust from citizens.”
Bloomberg: Inequality Is Biggest Danger for Global Growth, Warn Top Economists
Oct 24, 2017
Bloomberg highlights INET’s new Commission for Global Economic Transformation
Euractiv: Catalonia, a viable independent state?
Oct 23, 2017
“Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz tells that the region would be accepted in the EU and therefore become a viable independent economy if it applied, but the former chair of the UK’s Financial Services Authority Adair Turner disagrees.”
Bloomberg: Sturgeon Urges May to Shut Out Brexit Hardliners and Get a Deal
Oct 23, 2017
Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon quoted by Bloomberg at INET’s Reawakening conference in Edinburgh
CommonSpace: Nobel prize-winning economist makes the case for Scottish independence in the EU
Oct 23, 2017
Commission on Global Economic Transformation member Joseph Stiglitz argues that an independent Scotland in the EU would “resolve a lot of the uncertainties” of Brexit at INET’s Reawakening conference in Edinburgh