INET in the News
Deleveraging Redfined - Part 2: Martin Wolf on the Least-Bad Alternative
Aug 1, 2012
“You can’t get out of debt by adding more debt.”
Deleveraging Redefined: Martin Wolf Explains “That Sinking Feeling”
Jul 31, 2012
How to explain the current recession facing the US and the world? Does so-called “austerian” logic provide the solution? Or is it doing more harm than good?
How to save the financial system from itself?
Jul 16, 2012
what role central bankers should play to bring the needed change>
Leading European Economists Support Banking Union
Jul 9, 2012
In support of a European Banking Union, Done Properly: A Manifesto by Economists in Germany, Austria and Switzerland
Is the Economy Sustainable?
Jul 4, 2012
How will climate change influence economic sustainability?
An Economic Manifesto
Jul 1, 2012
Are we doomed to repeat the past? Even when we know better? Or do we not know better even when we should?
BRIC Buddies – China and Brazil Agree to Currency Swap
Jun 26, 2012
In a show of good faith between two rising economic powers, China and Brazil have agreed to a bilateral currency swap.
German Orthodoxy Starting to See the Need for New Economic Thinking
Jun 25, 2012
While German economic policy makers continue to cling to neoclassical economic approaches, an increasing number of prominent economic figures are starting to accept the failure of orthodox theories to address the current crisis and are expressing the need to rethink fundamental economic concepts.
Higher education…or hired education?
Jun 24, 2012
What is the purpose of America’s universities today?
Which nation is the greatest threat to Europe?
Jun 20, 2012
One country poses an existential threat to Europe – and it is not Greece, Italy or Spain.
World Bank President Zoellick: In Euro Crisis “Time Is of the Essence”
Jun 18, 2012
World Bank President Robert Zoellick is growing frustrated with the lack of urgency on the part of Europe’s leaders in responding to the financial crisis in the euro zone.
Looking Forward By Looking Back: Axel Leijonhufvud Interviews Friedrich Hayek
Jun 18, 2012
Leijonhufvud has questioned the flawed fundamentals of economics. And he has explored the spread of contagion in undermining the web of contracts that are the basis for capitalism.
Confidence Game: Simon Johnson on the Conflicted NY Fed
Jun 14, 2012
Have you ever heard the old adage about the danger of allowing foxes to guard the henhouse? Apparently the New York Fed hasn’t.
Living in Sinn
Jun 13, 2012
Germany should not pay for the bankruptcy of Europe, at least according Hans-Werner Sinn, head of the Ifo Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich.
Too Big to Bail? Spain is Repeating Ireland’s Mistakes
Jun 13, 2012
“Spain is now heading down the same path that bankrupted Ireland,” INET grantee Stephen Kinsella of the University of Limerick and Mark Blyth of Brown University warn on the Harvard Business Review’s blog.