INET in the News
Too Big to Bail? Spain is Repeating Ireland’s Mistakes
Jun 13, 2012
“Spain is now heading down the same path that bankrupted Ireland,” INET grantee Stephen Kinsella of the University of Limerick and Mark Blyth of Brown University warn on the Harvard Business Review’s blog.
FTD and Global Climate Forum to Host Event at Berlin’s Mercator Project Center
Jun 13, 2012
What is the role of Germany in Europe?
Looking Out For Unknown Unknowns
Jun 12, 2012
Chicago School founder Frank H. Knight had some prescient observations in the early 20th century.
The Vicious Cycle of Economic Inequality
Jun 11, 2012
The refrain for some time now has been that the economy will decide the upcoming U.S. election. But Joe Stiglitz offers some much needed focus to this discussion.
Nobel laureate Elinor Ostrom Passes Away at 78
Jun 11, 2012
Today the world lost one of its leading economic lights, as Nobel laureate Elinor Ostrom passed away at the age of 78.
FT Alphaville asks: Is the Renminbi overvalued?
Jun 10, 2012
“A chronic trend of this sort would indicate that the yuan was now overvalued versus the dollar,”
The Big Bet in Europe
Jun 4, 2012
It’s crunch time in Europe.
Joe Stiglitz on the 1%'s Problem and the Price of Inequality
Jun 3, 2012
Inequality isn’t just a problem for the 99%.
A challenge to dollar domination?
May 26, 2012
FT Alphaville uses a Lord of the Rings metaphor to describe the state of global currencies.
Stephen Kinsella: A “nutter in a balloon” gives you perspective
May 24, 2012
Stephen Kinsella has some advice for economists: “Sometimes, all you need is a nutter in a balloon to change your perspective. And perspective is everything.”
Sen Warns of Europe’s Well-Meaning Mistakes
May 23, 2012
If proof were needed of the maxim that the road to hell is paved with good intentions, the economic crisis in Europe provides it
China’s RMB Exodus
May 21, 2012
Will China correct this imbalance by allowing the RMB to appreciate? Or will it dump dollars onto forex markets?
INET Goes to Paris
May 21, 2012
INET Executive Director Robert Johnson delivered a keynote address at the OECD Forum in Paristoday.
What are economists for, anyway?
May 20, 2012
Who does the economist serve: powerful interests or society?
Economics Is Not Math
May 20, 2012
Mathematician Michael Edesess has a dose of reality for economists.