Race and Economics From INET
A collection of INET’s research and articles on race and the US economy, reposted in connection with recent protests against police brutality in Black communities.

Baby Bonds: A Plan for Black/White Wealth Equality Conservatives Could Love?
Darrick Hamilton calls for spreading the benefits of asset-ownership to all Americans.
The Bonds of Inequality

john powell
With protestors calling on states to loosen lockdowns in the name of “freedom,” john a. powell—INET Governing Board member and Professor and the Director of the Othering and Belonging Institute at University of California, Berkeley—talks to Rob about the long history of America balancing liberty and equality. They also discuss the disproportionate impact of the pandemic on Detroit’s black community, and the political imbalance in the US between rural and urban areas.

Ashley Monet & Brandon Dixon
Actors, activists, and co-founders of the WeAre Foundation, Ashley Monet and Brandon Dixon, talk to Rob Johnson about how Detroit can once again become an engine of American culture, ingenuity, and progress.
Lynn Parramore & Jeffrey Spear
Lynn Parramore & Jeffrey Spear: On George Floyd and John Ruskin
Elaine Brown, Pt. 2
Elaine Brown Pt. 2: Music and Activism in the Struggle for Racial Justice