A collection of INET analysis of the Chinese economy and US-China relations

Reconstructing US-China Relations
The world-renowned development economist Jeffrey Sachs outlined a new framework for US-China relations in conversation with INET President Rob Johnson

Richard Vague
Richard Vague, Secretary of Banking and Securities for the state of Pennsylvania and INET board member, discusses with Rob Johnson the need for stronger economic measures, the different economic strategies of the US and China, and the dangers of enormous private debt burdens

Orville Schell
Orville Schell, the Arthur Ross Director of the Center on U.S.-China Relations at the Asia Society, talks to Rob Johnson about the future of Chinese relations with the West, and how the former victim of Western imperialism is trying to get its revenge.
Eisuke Sakakibara
Eisuke Sakakibara: Japan, China, India, and the US - Strategies and Tensions
Chen Long: Information Technology for a More Inclusive Development Strategy
Chen Long: Information Technology for a More Inclusive Development Strategy